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  • Writer's pictureHunter Avallone

Known Subhuman Matt Walsh attacks Hunter Avallone on Twitter

Daily Wire co-host, Matt Walsh, recently began feuding with yours truly on the cursed bird app. Matt first took issue with Hunter's claim that, so long as parental consent and doctoral consent is present, children can consent to puberty blockers if they have gender dysphoria.

This claim was quickly misconstrued as "Hunter said kids can consent" when in reality, I said kids can consent to CERTAIN medical treatment IF they have parental consent as well. This is how any medical treatment works when it involves minors! Furthermore, Matt is on record saying, "16-year-olds are adults. I don't care what anyone says." So, Matt thinks teenagers cannot consent to potentially lifesaving treatment but can consent to sexual intercourse, marriage, and child rearing. Stay classy Matt!

Matt responded by lying about puberty blockers and claiming they include removing "healthy body parts."

Just by reading Matt's initial tweet, it's obvious he has no idea how medical consent works. Obviously, children can consent to medical treatments if parental consent is present as well. We generally recognize parents have the best interests of their children in mind. If kids couldn't consent to medical treatment, then removing a cancerous tumor from the stomach of a 6-year-old would be "grooming" and "rape" according to this "logic." I quickly shot back and corrected the misinformation he spread regarding puberty blockers.

After several back-and-forth tweets, Matt finally asked me to provide evidence. Of course, I happily obliged. I cited an Amsterdam cohort of over 700 trans people over the course of 40+ years. The study showed no increase in suicide for trans people even 40 years after transition. The second study I tweeted was published by Jama Network and it found that access to puberty blockers resulted in a 73% decrease in suicidal ideation.

After this tweet, Matt didn't reply again. Maybe facts hurt his feelings? Or maybe he was too busy being that creepy guy hanging outside the high school. Who knows!

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