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Hunter Vincent Avallone (born: November 11, 1996 [age 26]), is an American YouTuber, who is known for his political videos. He was a leading figure in the anti-SJW community on YouTube, until evolving his views in late 2019. His channel was rising to 700k subscribers, until he lost over 100k subscribers due to his shift in politics. After a long process of introspection, Avallone left the right and called himself a free thinker, then a Social Democrat. This entailed massive subscriber losses, online fights with right-wing commentators, and denouncement of former acquaintances.

Hunter's first Twitter account was banned in 2019.


He then made a second account in 2020, which was banned 2 years later. After a few months, Twitter reinstated his account.


In 2019, at a Turning Point USA conference where he was a speaker, Hunter stated that he believes that Big Tech Censorship was not targeting conservatives, which sparked outrage across the right wing and much of his then-fanbase, Sargon Of Akkad was allegedly shocked to the point where he refused to give his speech. Hunter acknowledged that conservatives might get banned disproportionally, but claimed it was due to their violation of TOS rather than their conservative beliefs. He also said conservatives should "pull themselves up by the bootstraps" and claimed that they were "playing the victim."


Hunter points to the fact that while conservatives are banned, their posts and videos tend to do far better than left-wing content on social media. Hunter would double and triple down on his belief that conservative censorship by Big Tech was being misrepresented, which partially devolved into criticism and mockery of many popular right wing channels. This generated another firestorm of controversy among the right wing and his fans. Hunter stood by his beliefs despite the backlash, and cited an alleged Twitter admission of them favoring right-wing accounts such as Fox News and The Daily Caller.

Andrew Anglin, the lead editor and owner of The Daily Stormer, wrote an article criticizing Hunter's speech in which he said that censorship on the basis of conservative beliefs is rare. Hunter then called him a "closeted meth addicted fairy" in his response video. Nick Fuentes, the host of America First, responded to him on a live-stream, citing that Hunter's channel had been temporarily deleted years before. Hunter repeatedly called Lauren Chen a 'Fascist Barbie Doll', due to her traditionalist views. Lauren, who was friends with Hunter and his wife, said that she felt betrayed, after she attempted to recommend him a job at BlazeTV at his request. Lauren also accused him of picking fights with right-wingers for attention.

On October 14th, 2020, Hunter declared he was voting for Joe Biden as president in the 2020 election. Following claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election, which Biden won, Hunter made several videos debunking them.

On April 12th, 2020, Hunter posted a video called "Why I left the Right" in which he clarified his more recent political positions and why he had changed. He stated that he now identified as a centrist, despite hating the term. The response to the video was mixed. Those in his historically conservative audience had unsubscribed from his channel. Many conservative channels also made videos discussing his new political views.



In 2019, Nick left a comment on Hunter's Instagram account, making fun of his statement about LGBT rights being a conservative value. Hunter then implied that Nick was an anti semite in a video titled "'Conservatives' Call Me Out!". Nick made a response to Hunters video on a live stream later that month. Multiple debates were set up between the two, however Hunter kept backing out, but stated in a 2021 interview with Michael Alberto that he did not want to expose his audience to Nick, due to Nick's reactionary positions. Hunter also attempted to get Blaire White and other unnamed anti-SJW Youtubers to team up and dogpile Nick, according to screenshots he presented in his "Exposing Blaire White" video.

Hunter continues to call Nick a neo-nazi whenever he is discussed among left-wing communities. He also claimed that Nick was obsessed with him and "couldn't stop talking about him", providing multiple instances where Fuentes complained about Hunter, his wife, and his mini-van. Ironically, Hunter made multiple videos about Nick in 2021 and 2022.

After Hunter reacted to an iceberg video about Nick and called him a neo-nazi multiple times, Nick called him lazy, irrelevant, and a grifter on a stream.

Finally on July 9th, 2022, Hunter and Nick confronted each other on a Modern Day Debate panel about the "war on men." Hunter and Nick insulted each other repeatedly, with Hunter mocking Nick for having "cat boy porn" and arguing that Nick's existence justified abortion. Nick called Hunter's wife ugly and further mocked the fact he drove a mini-van.



In April of 2020, he had a brief feud with Jeremy aka TheQuartering after he called Hunter an SJW on twitter following his departure from the right. Jeremy took great exception to what he thought was Hunter lumping right wingers with neo-nazis and other far-right elements. Hunter went on to explain he never called TheQuarting a neo-nazi and explained that Jeremey's defense of Hunter when he was banned did not shield him from valid criticism. Hunter would denounce TheQuartering tweet as an ill-researched lie. He said that he was a 'centrist', not an SJW. He also maintained that he was a 'free thinker', unshackled to partisan talking points on either side. He also accused Jeremy of being 'the thought police', acting exactly like an SJW, and slandering Hunter as a whole with out of context clips and the like. For his part, Jeremy would denounce Hunter as a grifter who never actually cared about right wing politics in the first place while maintaining the veracity of his evidence that Hunter was in fact an SJW.

Following the Capitol Hill Riots on January 6th, 2021, Hunter condemned the riots, further criticized Trump and defended his ban on Twitter. He sarcastically mocked the murder of 77-year-old Police Officer David Dorn, claiming that he was too high on Fentanyl to defend a pawn shop. Although many were offended by these comments, Hunter was attempting to draw a parallel between conservative excuses when black people are victimized by police - notably - the fact they invoke past crimes and drug use. YouTuber Actual Justice Warrior criticized him for this. He also made an Instagram video in April of that year, exposing how the conservative excuses made to justify black people being unjustly killed by cops could also be applied to the crucifixion of Jesus. This received heavy backlash from Christians.


In late 2021, a feud began between Avallone and Twitch streamer, BXBulletTV, after she made a video about Hunter. Hunter has since debunked her video, and called it 'poorly made'. Hunter nick named BXBullet as BXBitchFace and BXBackTrack. They still feud to this day.


He also debated YouTuber Gothix. Afterwards, Gothix claimed she would no longer do debates.[2]

On May 27th, 2021, Hunter discussed politics with YouTuber Eristocracy, where he stated he was a Social Democrat.


At the beginning of January 2023, Blaire White responded to criticism she'd received from her Joe Rogan appearance. In this response, Blaire included one of Avallone's criticisms before divulging into a twisted recollection of meeting Avallone at an event and witnessing him being transphobic to another speaker. Avallone fired back at this, explaining which details Blaire got wrong and why her attempt to smear him backfired.


In early March 2023, Daily Wire co-host Matt Walsh called Avallone out on Twitter. The feud began after Hunter claimed children could consent to puberty blockers so long as they have parental consent, doctor's consent, therapist's consent, and exhibit gender dysphoria for a minimum of 6 months. Walsh responded by lying about puberty blockers and mislabeling them as "chemical castration". Avallone and Walsh went back and forth, with Walsh attempting to label Avallone as a hypocrite and Avallone defending his stance as well as calling Walsh "ape-brain." Finally, the twitter feud ended when Matt asked for evidence and Avallone provided two separate studies seemingly confirming that puberty blockers are beneficial for mental health. Matt did not respond on Twitter, however, the next day he replied on his official Daily Wire show.

Matt Walsh covered Hunter in his "cancelled" segment published to his 2.1M YouTube subscribers. Walsh argued that Hunter didn't read his studies prior to sending them, wrongly labeled puberty blockers as "chemical castration drugs" and pushed back with prior research.


Avallone responded the next day, publishing a notably longer video. In the video, Hunter explains how Matt actually didn't read the studies, corrected Matt's misinformation, and tried to expose him as a hypocrite.   


Besides debates with Nick Fuentes and Gothix, Hunter Avallone has debated multiple notable figures.


Former Fox News contributor and BlazeTV host Jon Miller

On April 8th 2022, Hunter debated Jon Miller. Jon is a former Fox News contributor and BlazeTV host. They debated diversity and the military after Hunter claimed diversity strengthens the military. Jon called Hunter "retarded" on Instagram which subsequentially led to a heated debate.


Karlyn Borysenko

Karlyn Borysenko rose to popularity because of her feature in a PragerU video. Hunter and Karlyn originally started off on good terms, but the bridge was later burned after Hunter confronted Karlyn on her take that "Hitler went to heaven" and "people who died in the holocaust chose to die in the spirit realm." Months later, after Hunter debated Karlyn's friend, she showed up on Hunter's stream unannounced. The debate lasted less than 40 minutes as Karlyn refused to engage in good faith and Hunter called her "retarded."


Debate with Young Don the Reborn (formerly Young Don the Sauce God)

Hunter debated Don on religion, the creation story, and LGBT validity on July 25th 2022. The debate went for over 3 hours. Multiple clips of the debate went viral on TikTok.


Keffals drama and debate

Keffals is a transgender Twitch streamer. On July 20th, Hunter confronted Keffals on her stream, originally to apologize. Earlier, Hunter made an error in which he showed a KiwiFarms thread on his stream which included Keffals' alleged dox and her deadname. Hunter deleted the VOD and apologized publicly for what he called "one of the biggest fuck ups" of his career. Keffals tweeted about Hunter repeatedly until she agreed to talk with him during her livestream on Twitch. Hunter attempted to apologize and donated all SuperChat donations made during the apology stream to the Trevor Project. Keffals refused to accept Hunter's apology, accused him of gaslighting, and labeled him as "not sorry" due to Hunter's previous criticisms of Keffals. The apology soon devolved into an argument before Keffals hung up and wrongly labeled Hunter "alt-right." Hunter still acknowledges the mistake but consistently attacks Keffals for her political views.

As of February 2023, Hunter and Keffals finally spoke face to face and squashed their beef. Despite still disagreeing with each other on multiple issues, they both agreed it's more productive to set aside their disagreements.


Debate with Sneako

On November 6th 2022, Avallone debated popular red-pill content creator, Sneako. They primarily debated toxic masculinity. Hunter cited multiple studies suggesting that enforcing adherence to strict "traditional gender roles" can contribute to higher likelihood of suicide among men. Sneako continuously referenced the fact that Hunter takes anti-depressants to try and suggest that Hunter shouldn't be giving "happiness advice." Hunter claimed he was not giving "happiness advice" and accused Sneako of "virtue signaling" about masculinity while leading men down a path that's ultimately detrimental to their well-being. The debate received mixed reviews, with most suggesting Hunter won, while Sneako fans called Hunter a "soy-boy." Several clips went viral across multiple platforms. A Sneako fan account received over 1.2M views and 80K likes on a clip of the debate. Hunter's TikTok clip received over 2M views and 380K likes in less than 24 hours.





Debate with John Doyle

On May 11th 2022, John Doyle attempted to ambush Hunter during his livestream. Although Hunter was caught off guard, many agreed John didn't perform well, and Hunter was better prepared. They debated diversity in the military. On November 14th 2022, Hunter debated John again on traditional gender roles. This time live and in person at the University of Tennessee. Similarly, this debate received mixed reviews. Some didn't think Hunter did well due to the fact it was his first time debating in real life in front of a live audience while others said Hunter did well. Most of John's fans claimed Hunter got destroyed and most of Hunter's fans claimed John got destroyed. Hunter said he could've done better but overall was pleased with his performance and thought it was a great experience. A clip of John and Hunter debating whether or not women were irrational and more emotional went viral on TikTok, receiving over 15m views and 2.1M likes. Later, Avallone was banned from tiktok.


Bryson Gray

On January 4th 2023 Hunter debated conservative rapper, Bryson Gray. The debate focused on Hunter challenging Bryson on his recent T-shirt reading, "Make America Straight Again". For obvious reasons the debate soon turned hostile. Avallone told Gray his "values are worthless" after Gray argued for the outlawing of gay couples adopting children.


Former Fox host Jedidiah Bila

Jedidiah Bila is known for her frequent appearances on both Fox News and The View. She's now running her own podcast hosted on YouTube. After Jedidiah Bila responded to Avallone's anti-redpill content, he was invited to appear on the podcast live and in person. The conversation remained good faith, however Bila and Avallone clashed on a number of issues from, female body count, religion, and toxic masculinity. Although his main TikTok had been terminated, a clip of Avallone arguing with Bila about whether or not being gay was a lifestyle went viral on Avallone's atheist page, accumulating over 4M views in less than a week.

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Hunter was raised Christian with religion being a heavy component to his upbringing. Although Hunter announced his departure from Christianity in 2017, it wasn't until 2022 when Hunter began heavily criticizing religion, spirituality, and most commonly, Christianity. Hunter partially credited atheist talk show host, Matt Dillahunty for his solidified stance against Christianity. Hunter commonly cites God's supposed condonement of slavery and other actions committed by God or commanded by God throughout the bible to justify his belief that "The Christian God is immoral." Throughout early 2022, Hunter engaged in several debates with laymen Christians as well as more experienced Christian debaters such as Zen Shapiro.

On August 1st 2022, Hunter published a video titled "Why I left Christianity." Hunter explained his personal experience growing up Christian and how it negatively affected him, followed by criticizing the theology of Christianity. Hunter commonly takes issue with God supposedly being perfectly just but only judging people based on belief. Hunter claims that "God has failed to provide adequate evidence of his existence, yet requires you believe in him in order to obtain eternal life. God requires unjustified belief in order to go to heaven. Not only is that illogical but judging someone based purely on belief is NOT just."








Hunter has battled several individual Christians as well as crashing various Christian panels to challenge believers. In a particularly hostile debate, Hunter struggled to debate a German Christian woman on God's un-just behavior involving the slaughter of the first-born sons in Egypt. The debate ended with Hunter claiming, "you are broken, your brain is broken, and apparently god when he killed all the first children also killed your brain!"

Other Christian debates have been productive with Hunter offering valid feedback and challenging good faith Christians to re-think their beliefs.

His anti-christian commentary receive criticism, with some comparing it to r/atheism posts. He embraced the stereotype and began wearing a fedora (which is popular in online atheist forums) in some videos.

Some tweets even led to brief feuding with another Daily Wire host, Michael Knowles. Knowles attempted to mock Hunter as the "reddit atheist" which led to a brief response from Avallone. Avallone accused Knowles of engaging in ad-hom attacks.


On June 22 2022 CNET published

an article titled, Meet the Twitch, 

'YouTube Streamers Who Deradicalize

While They Debate.' 

The article primarily focused on

Hunter and his success with debating



The article explains how Hunter debated an anti-vaxxer in 2021 who believed the vaccine was "the mark of the beast.After the debate, the anti-vaxxer changed his mind and got vaccinated thanks to Hunter's convincing arguments.

For more than a half-hour, the two argued back and forth in a debate that was as biblical as it was scientific. Avallone threw out facts and dissected the meaning of biblical passages Argenti presented him with. The debate ended amicably, and a week later, Argenti got vaccinated.

Avallone said he receives messages from people who say his debates and videos changed their minds about conspiracy theories or pulled them away from far-right conservatism. He said it's encouraging and satisfying to change people's minds.

"I take very seriously realizing that I've turned one more person away from conspiracism or bigoted beliefs or hyper-religious beliefs that are leading to harm," he said.

The entire article can be read here.

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Hunter Avallone was married to Carissa Keely from 2020 to 2023.


He proposed to her in May 2019 and got they married on January 2nd of 2020. The couple have two children.


Hunter announced in June 2023 that him and Carissa agreed to divorce due to being incompatible in marriage.


In June 2023, Houston based photographer Kingston Hawke, made a video alleging Carissa had cheated on Hunter. He also leaked nude photos he had obtained from her onlyfans. What was meant to be anonymous was then leaked, leading to massive rumors that Hunter got cucked. This was primarily because a leaked Discord DM showed Carissa expressing interest in other sexual endeavors. It was ignored that these leaked messages were dated past the point of the divorce and nobody had been cheated on. Still, people continue to allege "Hunter's wife left him for a gangbang" despite screenshots showing the couple discussing divorce late last year.


Hunter also reported Hawke to the authorities for his involvement in distributing revenge porn.

Avallone lives alone and is the oldest of 5 siblings. He was born in Arnold Maryland and is 26 years old.

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